Dynapac real time Interactive showroom
Dynapac is a global company with a varied product range depending on the market. In connection with Corona, salesmen found it difficult to have traditional customer meetings. 3dVision optimized their CAD models and created market-adapted road works where salespeople can now meet customers and view products and features in a scalable cloud solution. We call this the Realtime Interactive Showroom of the future.
Customer case – Dynapac Real Time Interactive Showroom and simulator
Future-proof sales tool
3dVision has already visualized several projects that give customers the opportunity to use VR (Virtual Reality) to experience their future living in a very realistic way. Our software also works in mobile devices and with Google Cardboard.
Customer case – Dynapac Real Time Interactive Showroom and simulator
Cost effective
Thanks to VR, it is possible to train all the different scenarios without risks, hired extras and expensive props. Thanks to the low cost and fast installation of the VR training, the training can be carried out in only a fraction of what a real scenario would cost, time and time again.
01. CAD export and optimization
02. Roads around the world
03. Cloud solution - accessibility
04. simulate and configure
Sit in the driver’s seat or configure the products according to your wishes, everything is possible in our world. Experience the workplace with daylight or why not test the strong night lighting to see how it is at road works at night.

Customer case Dynapac Realtime Interactive Showroom
ROI – Return of investment
Customer case Dynapac
The technology
behind it
To create this type of application, we use software such as 3ds Max, Unreal Engine 4 and Unity. It can vary depending on the nature of the project, the focus is always on delivering the highest possible quality.

vr training and simulators – More examples

VR Education
Public safety personnel